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Kate Littler will lead this activity for children and caregivers during our online Love aLIVE Dinner Church event November 21 at 5 pm.

Story: We are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom

Explore how to love and safeguard the Earth’s water from harm. Learn simple actions everyone can take to treat the Earth with kindness and respect.  In Ojibwe culture, women are the protectors of the water and people talk of a black snake destroying the land. 
Discover how oil and water do not mix by making colourful marbled pictures. 
Art: Marbling with oilMaterials:

  • vegetable oil
  • food colouring
  • watercolour paper or cardstock
  • droppers
  • several cups, a large shallow dish, forks and spoons
  • Protect the area with a waterproof tablecloth. Best to use a large tray to contain the craft.


  1. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a cup and add food colouring. Now, stir vigorously with a fork. 
  2. Use several cups -one for each colour. 
  3. Pour an inch of water into a shallow dish. 
  4. Use a dropper or spoon to transfer the oil and colour mixture to the dish of water. 
  5. Lay a sheet of paper on top of the water, then lift to reveal your marbled paper. 
  6. Lay the paper flat to dry.