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Kate Littler will lead this activity for children and caregivers during our online Love aLIVE event April 24th at 5 pm.

Explore God through a young child’s eyes as we listen to the story: How Big is God? by Lisa Tawn Bergren.

When a young boy asks his mother where God lives, she tells him “in your heart.” This inspires a slew of curious questions: Is he invisible? Is he like a superhero? Can he fly? How can he be everywhere all at once?

In this heartwarming conversation between mother and son, all the ways in which God exists are discussed and the possibilities are endless. Through bright, dreamy illustrations, How Big Is God? captures the immensity and wonder of looking at God—and the world—through a young child’s eyes.

Create your own picture of what God looks like to you. 


-crayons or markers

– an elastic band

– paper