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The mini pantry movement is a grassroots, crowd-sourced solution to immediate and local need. Whether a need for food or a need to give, mini pantries help neighbours feed neigh-bours, nourishing neighbourhoods.

Do you like to walk as part of your routine during this time we’re living in? Why not make the ESG Little Free Pantry your destination? Place a few tins of tuna and some soup in your pockets and walk over to ESG and place them in the Pantry! Imagine, if we had a steady flow of little gifts of food arriving over the space each week, how that would lend support to this program. Tell your friends as well and let’s all participate in the success of our little experiment.

The ESG Little Free Pantry is located outside the church by the walkway on the Duplex Avenue side of the church. Please be mindful of COVID protocols such as hand washing and physical distancing when using the pantry, and be respectful of others. The pantry is available to all to use at their own risk. For more information about the ESG pantry or on how to donate, please contact Connie Roden.

Our mandate for the Pantry is simple. Provide a consistent amount of staples each day that will help support people in our neighbourhood experiencing food insecurity. We also provide emergency supplies, toiletries and some warm winter socks, hats and mitts.

Daily fills of the Pantry continue and even over the holidays we made sure there was a steady amount of food placed in the little cupboard. Community participation during Advent was high, which was much appreciated by our patrons, I’m sure. We are now into January and there is definitely a drop in donations. We continue to hope that our community will consider putting some items for the Pantry on their weekly shopping list. Rest assured the need for food will not decrease as we move further into winter.
Each day, a modest amount of food is placed in the pantry by our loyal group of volunteers. All of these items disappear within hours. This is not a question of who, when or how. We know why. If you are able, please help.

For more information about the pantry project and to find other locations, please visit: