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ESG’s Reopening Work Group has been working hard this summer to develop a plan for ESG in compliance with Ontario Ministry of Health’s and The City of Toronto’s ever-evolving COVID-19 Guidelines and Bylaws for the reopening of places of worship. It is our responsibility to consider carefully how to prevent infection among our staff, members and visitors to ESG as we prepare to resume in-person worship services.

Online Worship

We will continue to offer online worship, presented by live streaming on Sunday mornings, so you can still watch from home in real time or later if you prefer to do so. We understand that many people may prefer to continue connecting to worship online, and will appreciate having that option.

In-person Worship

We are pleased to inform you that in-person worship services at ESG will resume on Sunday, September 27 at 10:30 am. Our first two fall services, on September 13 and 20, will be live-streamed online, with staff and a few volunteers present in the church. These “practice” live services will give us some time to ensure that things will go smoothly and safely for you on the 27th.

You likely have many questions about how the service will be organized.

Here are some important changes to what you are used to. More detailed guidelines for returning to in-person worship and pre-registration instructions will be provided soon in our weekly email and on the website. Please share it with your family and friends.

  • The maximum number for attendance in our Sanctuary is 50 persons.
  • An online pre-registration system will be used so you can be assured of having a seat.
  • There will be a brief health questionnaire to be completed each week
  • Masks will be worn and provided if you don’t have yours.
  • Ushers will guide you to your safely spaced seating
  • Family groups and close contacts may sit together
  • Children must stay throughout the service with their family
  • Church School and Youth Group will not take place at ESG. Kate Littler, our Family Ministry Coordinator and Aidan Legault, our Youth Leader, will continue their wonderful program online.
  • There will be live music with organ/piano and a soloist, but no full choir or congregational singing.
  • There will be no food or drink served
  • Hand sanitizer wall dispensers have been installed throughout the building
  • Many other precautions are in place for your safety.

We look forward to worshipping together with you again in whatever way you feel comfortable.