Syrian Family Sponsorship

“I would like to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all what you have done for me and my family. No words can describe my gratitude to every one of you, to your church, and to the Canadian people for your sympathy, support, and generosity. You have restored our faith in the goodness of life and the goodness of people.”          Mostafa Rajab

ESG is an amazing community dedicated to generously serving others with compassion.

Our tradition of sponsoring refugee families from around the world continues with the sponsorship of Syrian families. Thanks to the generosity and compassion of the congregation and supporters, we have the benefit of significant donations of funds and household goods, plus 50+ volunteers who generously give their time and talents. We are especially proud that we have helped to reunite two Syrian families.

We have three current priorities:

  1. Help the Rajab families settle in Canada: In January 2016 we welcomed Mostafa and Souheila and their four children, followed in October 2016 by Mostafa’s brother and his family – Oussama and Sawsan and their four children. Read more
  2. Support other private sponsors: ESG also supports two private sponsor groups in their efforts to sponsor three Syrian families. Read more
  3. Sponsor more members of the Rajab’s extended family. Read more

How can you help?

We are blessed that this special initiative has galvanized energy in our congregation and helped us make wonderful new friends with the Rajab families and the Syrian sponsorship network.

Although the two families are settling well, we at ESG like to go beyond the basic sponsorship commitment and help the Rajabs parents and children thrive in Canada.

Please consider helping:

  1. Volunteer: Our volunteers enjoy the opportunity to get to know this wonderful family and to make a difference as the Rajabs continue their journey as newcomer Canadians. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Co-Chairs Kristen or Kate or
  2. Donate:Special Appeal: Raise $20,000 by December 2017Thanks to the generosity and compassion of the congregation and supporters, our Syrian Family Sponsorship initiative raised significant funds in 2015/16. We have judiciously and appropriately stayed within the budgeted funds and honoured our sponsorship commitment to the families.Although the Rajab families are settling well, we at ESG like to go beyond the basics. We believe there is more to do help the parents and children thrive in Canada …!We are asking for your support and financial commitment to cover expenses such as:
    1. $8,000 Airfare for Oussama and his family. This charge back from the Canadian government did not apply to Mostafa and his family. We do not want to burden the family with this debt.
    2. Private ESL tutors. At this stage, private Arabic English speaking tutors are particularly effective for the parents, supplementing government programs and talented volunteers.
    3. A small reserve for dental emergencies not covered by insurance or government programs
    4. Income supplement as required for job training programs
    5. Bus passes for the high school kids
    6. Extra curricular activities for the kids

Please donate online and select “ESG Syrian Refugee” to direct your funds.

“It is so heartwarming to be part of this process with so many like-minded people, who are motivated by nothing more than helping the most vulnerable of the vulnerable,” Kristen Ede, Co-chair the Steering Committee.