Let’s Play Pickleball!

We are excited to announce that we have an indoor pickleball court located at 35 Lytton Blvd, in North Toronto.  In addition to our court, we have a partial court – a kitchen court – to allow players to practice their short game while they are waiting to play. 

How to Get Started

Your first step is to become a member of the ESG Pickleball Club.  (ESG-PBC).  Membership is free!  By becoming a member, you will have online access to book the court and will be able to see the days and times when it is available.  

Click on the link below and sign up to become a member of the ESG-PBC.

For ongoing access to the ESG-PBC schedule – to book a court or a drop in session –  you can either download the CourtReserve App to your phone or access the CourtReserve Website

There are 3 options available:

  1. Book exclusive use of the court ($40) for 1 hour of doubles play (4 players) 
  2. Book exclusive use of the court ($20) for 1 hour for singles play (2 players)
  3.  Drop in – sign up for a two hours of open court play ($8). Drop in play is scheduled for 8 or fewer players

If you make a reservation to play doubles, you need to name the 3 other ESG-PBC members in your group and make the payment of $40 on behalf of the 4 of you.  This is also the case if you book the court for singles use  (you name the other ESG-PBC member and pay $20).

If you have any questions about playing pickleball at ESG, please contact Jennifer Thompson at jjt274@gmail.com